Watermelon In Eastern Hay

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From: Karsisto Konsta <>
  FZ: And the word is Radio 1 and this is Frank Zappa about to play the last selection on my artificial disc jockey program. And before I disappear into the wilderness I want to thank Graham, Martin and Trevor, and remind you that next on Radio 1 its Alexis Korner. Now they have allowed me, erm, here on this radio station, to actually play one of my own toons on this radio show, and for this fact I will be *deeply* indebted to them forever, and, er, I've chosen as my one representative item from the repertoire that I can squeeze in here, a song called "Watermelon In Easter Hay". And I will now provide you with a piece of information about the title: That's not the complete title of this song. The *real* title of this song is "Playing A Guitar Solo With This Band Is Like Trying To Grow A Watermelon In Easter Hay". And that's where it came from. From me, Frank Zappa, goodbye!

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